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John William Waterhouse, artist

Return to Eden
The Path to Sacred Sexuality
July 25th - September 5th, 2018
online class
A powerful online class, Return to Eden covers some of the more difficult topics of sacred sexuality.  As our sexual priestess selves emerge, we find ourselves traversing a landscape that has many challenges and heart breaks along with power and passion. 
Yet, there is still something more we long for. 
A deep connection, a state of bliss, Divine love that forever remains just out of reach.
It is our desire to return to the Garden of Eden. 
But how, when our 2000 year old programming has guided us away?
Join Trista as she guides you through the seven gates to discovering the key to the sacred garden.
The Seven Gates(classes)
  • The Original Sin and the Cloak of Shame
  • The Path of the Serpent and the Sacred Wound
  • The Exile from Eden and Healing the Original Wound
  • Power and the Spider's Web
  • Predators of the Sacred Womb
  • The Sacred Marriage of Womb and Heart
  • Return to Eden
FEE:  $375 
Class Dates:  Begins Wednesday, July 25th - Wednesday, September 5th, 2018
Each class will be held on a Thursday evening at 7:00pm EST. via conference call.
All calls will include teaching of one of the seven gates, time for Q&A, and ending with a healing meditation.  Each call will be recorded for later listening.
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