Welcome to the Magdalene Order
We are the women that hold the wisdom of creation,
The human journey through the mists of time.
We are the women who sing to the song lines
To awaken the New Earth.
We are the women who have our roots deep in the Sisterhood of the Magdalene.
Having spent lifetimes in preparation for guiding humanity
Across the threshold to the Golden Age.
It's time to gather.
It's time to bring what we know out of hiding.
It's time to shine our bright light and
create a new earth, a new heaven and a new you.
With love,
About the Order
I was offered a vision years ago. It was a vision of resurrecting the temples of old where the women could return to for support, learning, healing and community. I spent 18 years traveling with a German mystic, Helena Shik, who guided me to ancient sacred sites and fallen temples.
I was "introduced" to the Magdalene in 1996 in the south of France while standing face to face with a small Black Madonna statue in Limoux.
I returned home and my life was forever changed. I went through initiation after initiation that brought me to my knees discovering more and more about myself as a priestess of the Magdalene. It was during this time that I knew I wanted to commit my life's work to guiding other women through the initiations that would reawaken their wisdom of the Magdalene Order - a soul group that has its roots in ancient Lemuria.
Twenty eight years later, the vision that worked its way through me, suddenly dropped into the physical plane and I knew it was now time to manifest the temple. This summer I hosted the first Magdalene Retreat, and it was the women, through their witnessing, that brought the long-held vision into its rightful place of being as THE MAGDALENE ORDER.