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How Sacred Oils and Transcutaneous Acupuncture can Help You!

I make custom blend essential oils to help people shift energetically as well as release emotional patterns and energy blocks.  Essential oils are powerful medicine as they each have their own specific frequency and electrical current that are highly effective in supporting healing work by breaking up energy blocks that are dense and have holding patterns that interfere with healing.


I am also certified in transcutaneous acupuncture, a healing method that has been developed, well documented and researched by Dr. Norman Shealy, MD.  It's the process of applying a unique blend of essential oils on particular acupuncture points that help to stimulate your body to produce a variety of different horomones depending on which oil you are working with and with which "energetic ring".  


After a consulation, I will determine which oil(s) will best help to support your body and expedite your healing.  While you may be dealing with emotional issues, they can be compounded by stresses on your organs resulting in ineffecient hormone production.  Ineffecient hormone production can increase levels of depression, inflammation, contribute to anxiety and a number of other common ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure, migraines and adrenal fatigue.


You will be given clear instruction as to how and where to apply the oils which will be shipped right to your doorstep.  This is a great way to support your own healing since it requires only a 5 minute application twice a day.


Trista has received her certification in transcutaneous acupuncture from Dr. Norm Shealy and is a certified aromatherapist working with a variety of sacred oils that have been either created by Dr. Norm Shealy or unique blends that she's created herself.

The Chakra Assessment Test

Want to Align with Your Power?

The Chakra Assessment Test reveals your top two most powerful chakras, but how does this help you?  Whether you're feeling stuck, not quite on track or completely out of alignment, the Chakra Assessment Test gives you incredible insight as to how to cultivate your personal power in the way that is most natural to you.  The test will reinforce your intuition and insights, supporting you shifting from questioning to feeling confident as it reveals how you most naturally use your power to create a life of abundance and wellness.


This test reveals where and how you're blocked, offers you tools to access your power, maintain optimal health and wellness and your most natural way of being that creates abundance and a sense of ease in your life.


How does this work?  Email me requesting a Chakra Assessment Test Consult and I will send you the test.  The test is lengthy and involves questions from food cravings to social preferences.  Once you complete the test, return it to me and we'll schedule a session and go over your results. 

$125.00 includes one-hour session and test result write-up.


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The Grail School

PO Box 506

Cherry Valley, NY   13320

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