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Hearth Fire Retreat for moms

Hearth Fire  Retreat for Moms

August 23-26, 2018


You arrive at Hawk Circle, a place surrounded by forests and fresh water springs.  You exhale.  Finally, you feel you'll learn the ways to support your family through the challenging times we face.  Subtle ways and powerful ways to relieve anxiety, stress, fear and depression so that your children, your husband, YOU can stay healthy in both body, mind and spirit.


You wake in the morning to the beautiful sound of song birds and hear soft flute music playing nearby.  After a healthy and delicious breakfast, you begin your day of learning about plants and herbs and oils that will support your family.


Common weeds and herbs used in salves, oils and foods are powerful natural medicine for your family.


Entering deeper into your experience, you learn first hand how to use meditation and visualization to help heal your family and maintain wellness and support their emotional energy body.


Energy medicine is a powerful tool for helping your children through childhood and teenage issues.


What You Will Learn:

  • Herbs to support anxiety, frustration and stress

  • How to make a simple salve

  • How to make a simple tincture

  • Teas, infusions and decoctions

  • Essential oils and how to use them

  • Active meditation for wellness

  • Energy medicine for healing

  • Working with nature for healing                              While you will learn how to make herbal remedies, this class is primarily going to show you how to resolve physical and emotional issues by natural means as well as change your understanding of how to maintain wellness.


What's included:

  • Lodging in rustic cabin

  • Meals supporting a clean diet regimen
  • Your own kit of starter oils
  • Transportation from airport, bus, or train station (please arrange ahead of time.)
FEE:  $787
Arrival:  Thursday, the 23rd by 4:00pm
Departure:  Sunday, the 26th by 3:00pm
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