The Healing Magic of Essential Oils
I've been using
essential oils in supporting my family's wellness for the past few years. I started using them in the creams, oils and herbal salves that I make mainly for their beautiful scents and purity. However, after traveling to Egypt and seeing hieroglyphs containing vessels of what appeared to be healing oils, my interest was peaked. I began doing a much more in depth study of the use of essential oils through out the ages and I have found working with them to be nothing short of magical! I have many favorite oils that I have used to support my family's immune system as well as emotional stress. But my favorite oil for its many uses and beautiful aroma is lavender. It's a great stress reducer, as the molecules of pure essential oils are so small that they can penetrate the "blood brain barrier" having wonderful healing effects that work directly with our brain, bringing peace to our emotional center. Aside from relieving stress, I have found lavender to be a must have in your natural medicine cabinet for a variety of other uses. It is one of the few oils that can be put directly onto open wounds.

This summer, Ric had a very sharp chisel slip, leaving a significant gash across his stomach that in hindsight should have had stitches. I immediately reached for my lavender oil and put it right on the open wound and then covered it with bandages. I continued this for a couple days until Ric had had enough of smelling like a flower. The wound had very little to no redness around it and was not sensitive to the touch; it healed beautifully! Lavender is also very good for burns. I've applied it directly to burns to help heal and relieve the sensitivity. It's also great mixed with a bit of water and poured into a spray bottle for relieving sunburns.